The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Kentucky

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Vision Statement

"Leading Women Educators  Impacting Education Worldwide"

Hall of Fame Committee


State Hall of Fame Honorees


Committee Members

Ramona Griffin, Beta, Co-Chair

1345 Equestrian Way, Frankfort, KY 40601

Ruby Sneed, Kappa, Co-Chair

95 Sneed Rd. Saint Charles, KY 42453

Susan Cross, Mu


Janet Laird, Rho


Carolyn Pennington, Pi



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The Hall of Fame Committee shall be in charge of presenting this award to recognize and honor members who have given distinguished service at the state organization level to the Society.  The member must have a minimum of ten (10) years of service to the Society.  Goals include:
a.  eliciting nominations from chapters or individuals to receive the annual award
b.  planning and conducting the award presentation at the State Convention


Recent Notifications


2015 Hall of Fame Cover Letter
2015 Hall of Fame Nomination Form

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State Hall of Fame Honorees

2007 Honorees-Founders

Miss Mary Browning                                
Mrs. Emma Y. Case                                    
Mrs. Naomi Claypool                                  
Mrs. Alice Keys                                                       
Miss Nan Lacy                                        
Miss Ethel Lovell                                 
Miss Roselyn Lowenstein                       
Dr. Ethel Lee Parker                                 
Miss Nell Peerson                                        
Miss Mary Ransdell                                   
Miss Clara Rimmer                                    
Miss Sara Rives                                                          
Miss Adelaide Seekamp                                           


Miss Gertrude Collins                                    
Miss Nancy McClure                                      
Miss Emma McPherson 

ALSO IN 2007

Miss Ellen Allen         
Mrs. Jean Baugh
Dr. Dorine Geeslin
Mrs. Delphia Hicks
Mrs. Virginia Mutchler
Mrs. Sue Story

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2008 Honorees

Mrs. Margaret Clayton & Miss Virginia Murrell

2009 Honoree

Mrs. Lynn Werner

2010 Honoree

Mrs. Susan Cross

2011 Honoree

Mrs. Donna Smith Goodin

2012 Honoree

Mrs. Joyce Miller

2013 Honoree

Miss Patsy Young

2015 Honoree

Mrs.  Jane Thompson

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